Cookie Policy

We wish to inform you that we will proceed with the processing of your personal data in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 and with any specific local regulations applicable to the protection of personal data.

Below you will find all the information relating to the procedures followed for the collection, through cookies and/or other monitoring technologies, of the information provided by visiting our website (the “Website“).
This cookie policy integrates the Privacy Policy of the institutional website of Blupura S.r.l..

1. What are Cookies?

We wish to inform you that we will proceed with the processing of your personal data in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 and with any specific local regulations applicable to the protection of personal data.

Below you will find all the information relating to the procedures followed for the collection, through cookies and/or other monitoring technologies, of the information provided by visiting our website (the “Website“).
This cookie policy integrates the Privacy Policy of the institutional website of Blupura S.r.l..

2. Types and Purposes of Cookies

Depending on the characteristics and functions, different types of cookies are distinguished with different periods of permanence on users’ devices:

  1. session cookies, automatically deleted when the browser is closed;
  2. persistent cookies, which remain on your device until a set deadline.

According to the legislation in force in Italy, the user’s express consent is not always required for the use of cookies; in particular, “technical cookies“, i.e. those used for the exclusive purpose of carrying out an action on an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user: in other words, these are cookies necessary for the functioning of the website or to perform the activities requested by the user.

Among the technical cookies, the Italian Data Protection Authority (see Measure Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies of 8 May 2014 and subsequent clarifications), also includes:

  • navigation or session cookies (those necessary for authentication purposes);
  • functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse using a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products chosen for purchase) in order to improve the service provided;
  • analytics cookies, only when used directly by the website operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the website.

Conversely, for profiling cookies, i.e. those aimed at creating profiles relating to the user and used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of surfing the net, prior consent of the user is required.

3. Types of cookies used on our website

The Data Controller also makes use of so-called “third party” cookies, i.e. those related to the services provided by third parties: they are used for various purposes such as analysing the progress of marketing campaigns and/or to deliver personalised advertising on our own and on partner websites; this activity is called retargeting and is based on browsing activities (the third party provides these services on the basis of information relating to the user’s visit to our website).

Obviously, even third-party cookie suppliers must comply with the provisions deriving from the relevant legislation; in this regard, we refer to the link of the web pages of the third party websites, in which you can find the cookie consent collection forms and the related information.

We also inform you that, in order to better take into account both the purpose pursued from time to time by the Data Controller and the principle of transparency towards the user, we have determined the following classification of the cookies we use.

Access to accounts on third-party services. This type of service allows the Website to collect data from your accounts on third-party services and to perform actions with them; we specify that these services are not activated automatically but require the express authorisation of the user. Blupura and Meta Platforms, Inc. Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

United States (for Meta Platforms, Inc), Privacy Policy.

Tag management. This type of service is functional to the centralised management of the tags or scripts used on the Website. Blupura and Google Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

Ireland (for Google) – Privacy Policy.

Heat mapping and session recording. Heat mapping services are used to identify which areas of a page are subject to cursor movements or mouse clicks in order to detect which of them attract the most interest. These services are used to monitor and analyse traffic data and to track user behaviour. Some of these services may record sessions and make them available for later viewing. Blupura and Hotjar. Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

Malta (for Hotjar) – Privacy PolicyOpt Out

Interaction with social networks and external platforms. This type of service allows interaction with social networks, or other external platforms, directly from the pages of the Website. The interactions and information acquired from the Website are in any case subject to the user’s privacy settings relating to each social network. This type of service may still collect traffic data for the pages where the service is installed even when users do not use it. In this regard, it is recommended to log out of the respective services to ensure that the data processed by the Website are not linked to the user’s profile. Blupura e Meta Platforms, Inc. Place of processing:

Italia (per Blupura).

United States (for Meta Platforms, Inc) – Privacy Policy

Spam protection This type of service analyses the traffic of the Website, potentially containing personal data of users, in order to filter it from messages and contents recognized as spam. Blupura e Google. Place of processing:Italia (per Blupura).

Ireland (for Google) – Privacy Policy.

Advertising This type of service uses your data for commercial communication purposes. These communications are displayed on the Website through banners and other forms of advertising, also in relation to the user’s interests. Some services may use cookies or other identifiers to identify the user or to use the behavioural retargeting tracking technique, i.e. displaying personalised advertisements based on the user’s interests and behaviour, also detected outside the Website. For further information on this, we suggest you check the privacy policies of the respective services. Blupura and Microsoft. Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

United States (for Microsoft) – Privacy PolicyOpt Out.

Advertisement (Look-alike audience). Meta Platforms, Inc. Lookalike Audience is an advertising and behavioural targeting service provided by Meta Platforms, Inc. Ireland Ltd. that uses data collected through the Meta Platforms, Inc. Custom Audience service in order to display advertisements to users with behaviour similar to users who are already in a Custom Audience list; users may be part of the Custom Audience because they have already visited the Website or have interacted with relevant content through Meta Platforms, Inc. applications and services.
Based on this data, personalised ads will be shown to users suggested by Meta Platforms, Inc.’s Lookalike Audience.
Blupura and Meta Platforms, Inc. Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

Ireland (for Meta Platforms, Inc) – Privacy PolicyOpt Out.

Remarketing and behavioural targeting. This type of service allows the Website and its partners to communicate, optimise and offer advertisements based on the user’s previous use of the Website. This activity is facilitated by tracking usage data and using cookies and other identifiers to collect information that is then transferred to partners who manage remarketing and behavioural targeting activities. Some services offer a remarketing option based on e-mail address lists. Blupura, Meta Platforms, Inc, LinkedIn and YouYube. Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

United States (for Meta Inc.)– Privacy PolicyOpt Out.

United States (for Linkedin) – Privacy PolicyOpt Out.

Ireland (for YouTube – Google) – Privacy Policy

Ireland (for Meta Ltd.)– Privacy PolicyOpt Out.

Analysis and Statistics. The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to track and analyse the response by the user, in terms of traffic or behaviour, in relation to changes in the structure, text or any other component of the Website.


Blupura and Google Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

Ireland (for Google) – Privacy Policy.

Viewing content from external platforms. This type of service is used to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of the Website and to interact with them. This type of service may still collect data on web traffic relating to the pages where the service is installed, even when users do not use it. Blupura and Vimeo Place of processing:

Italy (for Blupura)

United States (for Vimeo) – Privacy Policy

4. Cookie retention times

A retention period of 12 (twelve) months has been determined for the cookies stored by the Data Controller on the user’s device with their explicit consent.

For further information regarding the storage of cookies stored by third parties, please read the Privacy Policy previously indicated.

5. Management of preferences related to cookies

5.1 Acceptance methods
As indicated in the short notice anticipated in the banner, you can give your consent to the use of cookies in simplified form by clicking on the “Accept” button or express your preferences by clicking on the “find out more and customise” button. In any case, until you give your consent to one or more cookies, the Data Controller will not store any information on your terminal, except for strictly technical cookies.

5.2 Withdrawal or giving of consent
You can choose at any time whether to accept or refuse the use of cookies:

by changing the settings of your browser, indicating which cookies to withdraw consent for. To access the browser settings, please view the procedures indicated below:- Chrome
– Internet Explorer
– Firefox
– Safari
– OperaWe point out that the complete disabling of cookies from the browser could compromise the correct functionality of certain sections of the Website, the normal navigation between web pages, the possibility of making purchases on our web-store and the loss of the personalisation functions of the advertisements presented. while browsing.
by withdrawing consent through the specific “opt-out” procedure made available by the third party (where applicable).
by accessing this section of the Website and clicking on the “Manage cookies” button below.


6. Contacts
Data Controller: Blupura S.r.l., with registered office in Recanati (MC), Via Atlantico Volponi n.11 – Z.I. Squartabue 62019, Italy

Contacts: | T. +39 071 971 0080