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Bluglass Beer Tap

Hospitality Hospitality
L/h capacity
  • 80 lt/h
Bluglass 80 is the ideal model for anyone seeking a compact, powerful and elegant option to guarantee an important and constant supply of quality water both in catering and in the office. With its advanced features, this system offers excellent performance while taking up little space. Furthermore, the elegant design of the Bluglass 80 fits perfectly into any environment, adding a touch of style and sophistication. Both for a modern venue and for a professional office, Bluglass 80 represents the ideal choice to satisfy a wide variety of needs. In the "Beer Tap" version, Bluglass is equipped with manual mechanical taps that are used to fill several bottles at the same time.
Fizz Fizz
Ambient Ambient
Cold Cold
Gas R290 Gas R290
Beer tap Beer tap
Ice Bank Ice Bank
Stainless steel Stainless steel
Glass Glass


Dimensions LxPxA (mm) Dimensions LxPxA (mm)
Weight (kg) Weight (kg)
Dispensing area (mm) Dispensing area (mm)
Fizz Fizz
Ambient Ambient
Cold Cold
Bluglass “Beer tap” 80 80 400 x 580 x 564 36 313 circle-blue circle-blue
Bluglass “Beer tap” 80 Fizz 80 400 x 580 x 564 36 313 circle-blue circle-blue circle-blue
Bluglass “Beer tap” 80
Lt/h 80
Dimensions LxPxA (mm) 400 x 580 x 564
Weight (kg) 36
Dispensing area (mm) 313
Ambient Ambient
Cold Cold
Bluglass “Beer tap” 80 Fizz
Lt/h 80
Dimensions LxPxA (mm) 400 x 580 x 564
Weight (kg) 36
Dispensing area (mm) 313
Fizz Fizz
Ambient Ambient
Cold Cold

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