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Blutron Action

Filters Filters
Blutron Action 4.4K is the ultimate solution for bringing out the authentic aroma of coffee, and more. Utilizing top-tier high-efficiency ion exchange resins, this filtration system with a built-in head ensures the ideal water for coffee machines, automatic beverage dispensers, as well as professional steam and/or combination ovens. Through a multi-stage filtration process, Blutron Action reduces the temporary hardness of drinking water, chlorine, along with unwanted odors and tastes, protecting equipment and enhancing the coffee aroma. The inclusion of silver ions guarantees bacteriostatic action. Blutron Action features an adjustable bypass with 4 levels, providing increased flexibility in filter usage, tailored to specific requirements Like all filters within the range, Blutron Action is BPA-free, ensuring heightened health safety standards. Ideal for the vending and hospitality industry as a whole (hotels, restaurants, cafes).
Filtration Filtration

Blutron Action 4.4K

Function It allows for the reduction of temporary water hardness. It reduces unwanted odours and flavours, decreases turbidity, chlorine, and has a nominal filtration rating of 0.5 micron
Diameter ø 135 mm
Height 385 mm
Nominal flow rating 3 l/min
Capacity 4.334 l with water input at 18°F and bypass at II
Nominal filtration rating 0.5 micron
Materials Propylene cartridge - high-efficiency ion exchange resin filtration. Micrometric post-filtration with Blupura Carbon Block technology featuring extruded activated carbon enhanced with silver ions
Features Blutron Action 4.4K is a filter with built-in head, featuring micrometric pre-filtration of 5 micron, high-efficiency ion exchange resin, and the final stage of Blupura Carbon Block enhanced with silver at 0.5 micron for bacteriostatic action, in addition to a final suspended matter filtration. It reduces temporary water hardness and enhances the taste of coffee
Usage Ideal for use with automatic beverage dispensers, coffee machines, steam ovens, and/or combination ovens. It should only be supplied with cold potable water
Replacement Upon reaching the nominal autonomy or in case of reduced water outlet flow, and in any case within 1 year
Diameter ø
Nominal flow rating
Nominal filtration rating

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