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Data panel

A simple and intuitive screen provides information on the number of cups and the quantity of water dispensed, with a "green" overview on saving bottles and emissions. There is no shortage of statistics, updates and geolocation of the entire fleet of machines.

Multiple features for every requirement

Once installed on the dispenser, even of brands other than Blupura, the device is capable of capturing and sending essential information on its general status to the platform. The system allows for monitoring water, CO2, and UV consumption, while also integrating the anti-flooding system, TDS sensor, and sensors for water and ambient temperature.
Maintenance section
From here it is possible to plan and organise maintenance, as well as having a digital archive of all the interventions performed for each system. In practice, the maintenance booklet will always be updated and available to the operator!
Machine management
At a glance it is possible to immediately obtain a complete overview of the status of each system and of the level of consumables, with the possibility of setting them remotely. By clicking on the chiller icon it is possible to access the dedicated page with all the information.
Best customer service
Being able to connect remotely and monitor the main parameters of each dispenser installed, at any time, means not only always having the management parameters, the status of materials and consumption statistics under control, but also anticipating customer requests and being able to optimally schedule and organise assistance interventions. A great advantage for installers which also translates into a better image of the service and relationship with customers, as well as objective savings on operational management.
When IoT is standard
Blujuice and Bluglass Plus are available with IoT technology as standard. All the data relating to the block and restart functions, to the litres dispensed, to the consumption of CO2 and to the depletion of the UV lamps can therefore be monitored remotely, while the functional parameters, dosages and water temperature can be adjusted.

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