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IoTlink connects all water dispensers, of any brand

The ideal solution to remotely organize and manage the maintenance of any dispenser, without worries.


Today we introduce you IoTlink, a unique device, the size of a router, which allows those who perform technical assistance to connect all the machines on which it has been installed, even those that are not part of the Blupura brand, in this way they can remotely control the state of machines.

To take the most out of the Blupura IoT innovative technology it’s super easy, you will only need to install IoTlink on the dispenser and the log in, with the credentials you will receive, to the Blupura IoT platform. From here you will have full access to the interventions historical, verify consumptions and so efficiently organize the assistance to clients, knowing exactly what’s the problem and with a clear overview of the geographical position of the machine park. You will as well have the opportunity to provide rapid and efficient remote consultancies, assisting clients step by step.

IoTlink is present in two versions, basic and plus:

The basic version allows to control water, Co2 and UV out consumption and it gets connected to the Net via WiFi.

The plus version, apart from what it’s already available in the basic version, also offers anti-flooding system, TDS sensor and both water and room temperature sensors. On top of that, in both models, it’s included the LAN and 4G connectivity.

Blupura has always supported a sustainable and cutting-hedge development, thanks to the use of innovative technologies as the one in IoTlink. The optimization of consumptions to guarantee a green future and the attention towards clients are the pillars of our philosophy and allow us to get even closer to a more sustainable and with zero impact world. As we say… #LessPlasticIsCool

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